
  1. Queues on cluster – Soumya
NameMax CoresWalltimeTotal JobMax Run
big64240:00:00 (10 days)54
regular32120:00:00 (5 days)54
prime12801:00:00 (1 hour)11
*Max cores are divided by total job. For example, a user can submit a single 32 core job in regular queue or two jobs of 28 core and 4 core or four 8 core jobs. Total jobs he can submit in regular queue is 5 out of which 4 will be Run state and other will remain in queue. And in same way in big queue, max jobs can be submitted is 5 out of which 4 can be in run state.

2. Queues on cluster – Shukra

NameMax CoresWalltimeTotal JobMax Run
big32240:00:00 (10 days)108
regular16120:00:00 (5 days)54
small8240:00:00 (10 days)88
*Max cores are divided by total job. For example, a user can submit a single 32 core job in big queue or two jobs of 24 core and 8 core or eight 4 core jobs. Total jobs he can submit in big queue is 10 out of which 8 will be in Run state and similarly in regular out of 5 , 4 will run and one will remain in queue.